School of Sciences
Solano Community College

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  • Mathematics
  • Science
    • Biology
    • Biomanufacturing
    • Biotechnology
    • Chemistry
    • Engineering
    • Horticulture Science
    • Physical Science
    • Physics
    • Science, General
    • Water and Wastewater Technology



顺利完成本专业的学习将保证学生在微积分和微积分方面的数学能力, 为在许多科技领域就业提供充分的背景,并为学生计划深造提供坚实的基础.

AA Degree
• Mathematics

Mathematics for Transfer

顺利完成本专业的学习将保证学生在微积分和微积分方面的数学能力, 为许多技术和科学领域的就业提供充分的背景,并提供公司 foundation for students planning to pursue a baccalaureate degree in mathematics.

AA-T Degree
• Mathematics



Students in the biology program examine life at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels. 该课程为学生提供转入大学生物科学专业所需的知识和实验室技能. 生物学课程强调生物学的核心基本概念,包括由自然选择进化产生的生命的统一性和多样性, the relationship of structure and function, and the continuity of the genetic material.

AS Degree
• Biology


Biomanufacturing means growing living cells (bacterial, yeast, 和动物细胞)在被称为生物反应器的大型容器中,并诱导它们产生一种用作药物的蛋白质. 然后,这种蛋白质必须从其他细胞成分中分离出来,并通过利用其特性将其从其他细胞蛋白质中分离出来的技术进行纯化. 然后技术人员使用分析技术来证明分离蛋白的纯度.

在未来,生物制造将扩大到包括生物燃料的工业生产, biomaterials, stem cells, 以及目前使用化学而非生物技术生产的其他产品.

BS Degree
• Biomanufacturing


该课程为毕业生在生物技术行业担任生产技术人员做好准备. 生产技术人员操作和维护用于生产蛋白质药品的设备. 学生将培养细菌、酵母和哺乳动物细胞,并回收它们产生的蛋白质. 他们将通过保存记录来遵循良好的生产规范,以符合质量保证程序和政府法规. 该课程的学生必须能够灵活地调整自己的时间.

Gainful Employment Information: Applied Biotechnology

AS Degree Certificate
• Industrial Biotechnology • Industrial Biotechnology
• Applied Biotechnology


本课程旨在培养学生对化学基本原理在各种应用中的理解. Students will learn how chemical knowledge is derived, theorized, and applied in solving problems in everyday life.

AS Degree
• Chemistry


The field of engineering deals with the design, production, and testing of new products as well as maintaining and improving existing ones. 工程师是运用数学和科学原理来解决技术问题的专业人员.

Geography for Transfer

mg电子官网提供地理学转学副学士学位,向学生介绍地理学原理, 空间分析在自然环境和人文环境研究中的理论和应用方法. The degree provides 学生在地理专业的知识和技能的基础,并为他们的高级部门做好准备 university course work. 获得文科副学士转学学位的学生可以保证以大三学生的身份入学 at a campus of the California State University system. The program in Geography is designed to develop the student's 认识人类与环境的关系以及人类诱发的自然景观和人文景观的变化 activities.

AA-T Degree
• Geography

Horticulture Science

该课程旨在提供进入园艺领域或为晋升或认证做准备所需的理论和实践经验. 它还提供一些园艺专业转入四年制大学所需的基础课程. This program offers certificates and degrees in Ornamental Horticulture.

Gainful Employment Information: Horticulture Science

AS Degree Certificate Job-Direct Program
• Horticulture Science • Horticulture Science • Landscape Worker

Physical Science

mg电子官网提供为期两年的物理科学副学士学位,为学生提供研究科学探究方法的机会, and to gain scientific knowledge, 通过一个或多个与个人兴趣相一致的物理科学学科的专业化, such as Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Geology. Crucially, 攻读此学位的学生还将了解影响地球气候的因素, 从而加深对气候变化这一重要问题的理解, which will allow them to be knowledgeable global citizens. Students will develop critical thinking skills, learn to communicate effectively in writing, and acquire an understanding of major scientific concepts. Through course options, 学生将运用科学探究的方法来了解他们周围的世界. 完成学位要求将为学生提供促进学术和职业决策所需的技能和资源.

AS Degree
• Physical Science


这个项目的重点是发展对mg摆脱网站物理宇宙基本规律的理解和欣赏. This is done largely through the development of conceptual understanding, problem solving skills, and laboratory investigations.

AS Degree
• Physics

Physics for Transfer

这个项目的重点是发展对mg摆脱网站物理宇宙基本规律的理解和欣赏. This is done largely through the development of conceptual understanding, problem solving skills, and laboratory investigations. The Physics 006,007,008序列是一门为期三个学期的物理入门课程,要求通过数学 calculus. 此顺序满足物理专业的低年级物理要求, chemistry, geology or other physical sciences, and engineering. Physics 006 is a study of mechanics, gravitation, vibration and fluids. In Physics 007, students will cover the topics of electricity, magnetism, wave motion, and sound. In Physics 008, students will cover heat, optics, relativity, and modern physics. Students will learn to analyze and solve problems appropriate for this level. Experiments relating to the topics covered will be performed.

AS-T Degree
• Physics

Science, General

This program is designed to provide students with a basic science background, 准备他们进入四年制大学的课程,从而获得化学等领域的学位, biology, physics, geology, or health sciences. This program is a path for immediate entry into science-based technology careers.

AA Degree
• General Science

Water and Wastewater Technology

水和废水处理和净化的原理,包括城市和工业废水的收集和处理的研究. 该方案将满足大部分要求认证的水和废水处理人员.

Gainful Employment Information: Water and Wastewater Technology

AS Degree Certificate
• Water and Wastewater Technology • Water and Wastewater Technology